177 - Stuart Hoffmann - APP Benelux
Stuart Hoffmann comes on the show to talk about the APP Benelux, a new piercing organization in Europe. We discuss how a group of piercers in lockdown started with talks about reopening protocols and eventually decided to start a new local association together. Visit www.appbenelux.org for more information.
Listen for free on apple podcasts (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/piercing-wizard-podcast/id1244131664) Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/1PitDKObyKyrLJ75HV4Eiw) and all major podcast platforms. Stream and download at: https://pinecast.com/listen/1a89067c-b285-4ecf-9182-88f32b43a271.mp3 .
Visit www.patreon.com/ryanpba for on-demand educational content for piercers. The arch-mage tier gives you instant access to a dozen presentations on various subjects including nipple piercings, statim autoclaves, and the newly recorded class all about GLOVES (publishing in mid March 2021).
